Saturday, January 27, 2007

Blah Blah Blah

Ok so it's been fun so far. I'm slightly depressed though it's hard to be at southern and Mike not be here. He is actually visiting right now for the weekend but it's a short visit so it's bitter sweet. I hope this will end soon because it's hard.

Montana is still in Alaska. Far away he needs to come visit his turn damn it!

Classes are cool I heart Mass Comm Im nervous about spanish, I'm nuetral about sociology, World lit is a lecture course and Intro to fiction is alot of reading. I'm just ready to have all my courses be courses in my major.

Life has been fun I've been staying very busy. I work out alot now which is amazing I never work out. I eat breakfast. Life is different for me it's weird.

I want WOW I want it so bad and a wii would be cool to.

You know it's amazing how much the world changes. And as you get older it just gets crazier.

Anywayz Keep it Real Folks!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A long year of Suffering has ended

Its finally over. My Long year of living at home is over. I'm finally returning to Southern Miss this spring as a Communications major. I'm very excited. It doesn't bother me that I'm moving into a dorm and not an apartment. I'm just excited to be going home. I just wish Mike was going to be there. It's going to be hard to keep this long distance thing going but I know we can do it. We love each other enough to make it work.

I'm so mad at Montana for joing the army. ALASKA! I mean really what is in Alaska besides Lumberjacks and Penquins! I want to go...

Oh they released the name for the 7th and final harry potter book.
Its called Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
It just sounds so dark and spooky. I'm very excited!