Thursday, February 22, 2007

Life sucks!

So For the past month I've been sick. Not just oh damn I'm sick like really really sick! I've missed classes I've killed myself trying to get my work done. My eyes are sunken in I don't get much sleep. I'm not doing so great in my classes and I feel like I'm about to die. No really not like sarcastically like for real. I feel that sick. I'm weak and I think If I push myself anymore I'm going to be in the hospital. Between Trying to be there for Anna this Month and Trying to be a good girlfriend and a good daughter and a good sister and a good student and friend I've exhausted myself. I just hope I can find the energy to keep going. But Right now if I fell asleep I wouldn't mind never waking up.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I got A MAC!

So My compaq finally bit the dust. It lived a good long life for a compaq I'm proud to say. Now I have a MacBook and I love it! The keyboard makes me happy, it's faster, I no longer have windows, and it's just a better computer all together. Life is crazy right now. Classes just keep loading on the work and I struggle to keep up. I don't get much sleep and I work all the time. I need a vacation and Spring Break couldn't come soon enough.

Britney Spears shaved her head. This just is a sign of the end of the world! OR is it the beginning? I don't know... hmmm...

Anywayz, other than the crazy bs of school and work and never getting to see or talk to Mike life is good.
Keep It Real