Tuesday, October 30, 2007

So I haven't posted in like forever! Or at least it seems that way ha ha.

The next month is going to be insane! November usually is.

November is a month Filled with birthdays including mine. Mikes is also this month on the 29th which is the same day as mine (yes we have the same birthday). Not to mention a lot of my other friends.

There are a few concerts this month as well. My friend JD's band has a concert this weekend. Thieves and Villains finally made it down here and will be playing next weekend. Thieves and Villains is a band from New York check em out on Myspace.

Not to mention all the papers and tests and projects I have to work on.

But all will be well at the end of the semester. In December I plan on making a trip to visit Mike in FL. Then Also hopefully I will get to see my old buddy John or Bly man down in the Burg. He is coming back from Iraq which makes me happy.

If Montana Came down (which probably will never happen) we could almost have the entire band of Farr Off back together. But that probably will never ever happen.

Anyway thats about it.... OH YEAH GOT MY BLUE BELT WOOT!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Rocky Horror Picture Show

This year the Pix/Capri Theater in Fondren is yet again hosting another midnight showing of "Rocky Horror Picture Show".

Last year not only did they show the film but they performed it and then had a huge after party at a local bar.

This year they are showing the film at midnight on Saturday. They encourage you to dress up bring your own props for audience participation ;) ;) and be as crazy as you want. The admission is $7 and totally worth it. Beer is usually served but they always encourage you to stay sober (yeah right).

The theater is under renovation so bring a blanket and a chair. This is one event you do not want to miss!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


So recently I announced that I was leaving Justin.tv and going back to ustream.tv. I missed it hard core. The people at Ustream.tv are a little different than the Justin.tv folks. Justin.tv has just become a place for drama and some really interesting people. I feel ustream.tv is more professional and more what I'm looking for.

I'm not really casting to life cast. It started out as a lifecast attempt but I come to the conclusion I'm not at a time in my life where life casting is going to be an option. Maybe in the future but no promises.

I still will be casting occasionally just not from class or anything like that. I will be casting the podcasts I've started when we do them so don't.

Some of you also may have noticed that my Ustream.tv account is new. I had to make a new account because my account wouldn't let me log in.

Recently the account was fixed thanks to Tim. So tonight for Tuesday Night Tech I will be able to log in as Thespaniel as they say.

See you tonight at www.tuesdaynighttech.com Pre Show 9pm EST Show Starts at 10pm EST.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Hazing not just a Greek thing

I'm a student at Mississippi College which is a Private Baptist College. We do not have Fraternities and Sororities but we do have something called Tribes which are very similar.

One of the girls in my class walked in today wearing a trash bag with stuff taped to it. Of course this is considered hazing. Here at MC obviously they don't care about hazing. They don't have to abide by the rules of the ISC or the IFC since they are not either.

If this had been a Greek organization and Nationals had gotten word then they chapter would be closed immediately, or suspended.

These Tribes here at MC are just like Greek organizations. Shouldn't they have to follow the same rules as the Greek organizations?

Sunday, October 21, 2007

First Podcast!

Mike and I had our first Podcast last night on Talkshoe.com. You can listen to the podcast here.

Tell us what you think! This was the first time either of us have done a podcast so we want to know what we can do to make it better.

When and what we are going to do with the cast is still up in the air.

I promise I will be getting a proper mic this week.

I also will probably stream during the next podcast on ustream.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Leave Chris Pirillo alone!

So it seems I have been discovered! I did a little video for Tuesday Night Tech about how they should leave Chris Pirillo alone. Well it seems Chris has found the video! Here is a link to his blog discussing it lol!

Go check it out!
And check out www.tuesdaynighttech.com
every Tuesday Night at 9pm Est for the Pre show and 10pm Est for the show.

Keep It Real

Monday, October 15, 2007

Friday, October 05, 2007

Me Today Beach Boys