Tuesday, October 23, 2007


So recently I announced that I was leaving Justin.tv and going back to ustream.tv. I missed it hard core. The people at Ustream.tv are a little different than the Justin.tv folks. Justin.tv has just become a place for drama and some really interesting people. I feel ustream.tv is more professional and more what I'm looking for.

I'm not really casting to life cast. It started out as a lifecast attempt but I come to the conclusion I'm not at a time in my life where life casting is going to be an option. Maybe in the future but no promises.

I still will be casting occasionally just not from class or anything like that. I will be casting the podcasts I've started when we do them so don't.

Some of you also may have noticed that my Ustream.tv account is new. I had to make a new account because my account wouldn't let me log in.

Recently the account was fixed thanks to Tim. So tonight for Tuesday Night Tech I will be able to log in as Thespaniel as they say.

See you tonight at www.tuesdaynighttech.com Pre Show 9pm EST Show Starts at 10pm EST.

1 comment:

Staff said...

And TNT thanks you for pinch-hitting and filling in for us. I kept trying to get the Skype conference thing to work again, but, it was grayed out from that moment on. We are using the Skype beta (not the one you download right off the Skype site) which may have contributed to that--but, thanks again for coming on and we will definitely have you on again when we get this Skype/iChat thing worked out.